Scandinavian Flat
A small project made while I was learning 3Ds Max. Big thanks to Bertrand Benoit's and his scene - The Swedish Flat.
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Personal project
Still Life
Still Life
Scandinavian interior made for own fun
Scandinavian Flat
A small project made while I was learning 3Ds Max. Big thanks to Bertrand Benoit's and his scene -...
Personal project made for learning some light moods and scatter with new FStorm Fur modifier.
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Moscow
Still Life
June 11, 2022 / in 3dsmax, FStormRender, Photoshop / by AerowalkThis is actually my first attept to create still life image, totally inspired by works of Bertrand Benoit.
It took pretty long time in the making, composition is still messy here and there and also I regret that FStorm does not support PhoenixFD, so I had to do tea steam and candle lights with a planes, but I hope it looks more or less decent. 🙂
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Moscow
June 11, 2022 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, FStormRender, Photoshop / by AerowalkJust a simple interior scene made for fun and to learn a few new (for me) tricks
Studio: Aerowalk Megastudios INC
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Moscow
Scandinavian Flat
June 11, 2022 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by AerowalkThis is one of my first projects, I’ve been studying Max for about 1 year or so. Was inspired by scandinavian style and Bertrand’s scene – The Swedish Flat, so I decided to buy it for education and to add some of models to my personal collection. I’ve also tried to catch rainy autumn mood in some renders, and I am pretty happy with a result, but I understand that there is a TON of work to be done to move forward and to improve myself as a 3d artist.
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Moscow
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