The main idea here is to create a believable village within these set of mountains. It provides a unique opportunity to connect these, otherwise, solitary rock formations into cohesive living mini village of cabins.

4 replies
  1. Christopher James Lane
    Christopher James Lane says:

    oooooo nice concept, love the connecting bridges idea – will be interesting to experience this in VR – I can already see this having some ace views, but I’m also I wondering if you will get a sense of vertigo too 😀

    Good luck mate – looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

  2. Christopher Lane
    Christopher Lane says:

    oooooo nice concept, love the connecting bridges idea – will be interesting to experience this in VR – I can already see this having some ace views, but I’m also I wondering if you will get a sense of vertigo too 😀

    Good luck mate – looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

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