There’s no secret to how I did the ground, really. The herringbone pattern was done in geometry and then all the individual blocks were attached together into a single object. I used the modifier MaterialByElement to randomize each of the blocks’ IDs and used VRayMultiSubTex to vary the colors between them. I also added VRayDirt to the ground material to get some dirt in the cracks. Max’s procedural map “dent” was used in the bump slot to add some variation to the concrete. I feel that’s the appropriate amount of detail I needed since that part of the image would be a little out of focus due to the camera being focused on the building.

I also painted and added a map on a separate channel to simulate the wear of tires and cars. I created a brush in photoshop that would simulate the oil leakage of cars over time.

The ground near the arch school was also worked on. I ended up making it way more detailed than I needed given the camera angle and distance.