Making of House Gepo

Wittaya Wangpuk won best of week 41/2015 with this incredible photo-real 3d recreation of House Gepo by Open Y Office. Wittaya did not try to recreate it 100% like the original, but it sure has the overall look and feel as well as the photographic feel to it. He followed almost every real shot that was made for this house, and today I’m happy to share the making-of this scene. Enjoy!


Hi all!

I have been following Ronen Bekerman’s blog for years and gained a lot of knowledge about working process and techniques from various fantastic artists with the goal of making images look more realistic.

With great pleasure, please allow me to present this Making Of on this blog.

Concept & References / Inspiration

I always love to see the manifestation of buildings revealed in the nature. Searching for inspiration and references on the Internet took me months. I was looking for the ideal project for my personal project purposes. My eyes eventually landed on House Gepo by Open Y Office, which is the kind that matches with my initial thoughts and imaginations in my mind for months.


Basic 3D Scene Setup

Here are the gamma and unit setup I used.

3D Modeling

The modeling is quite easy thanks to the modern style of the building, which is focusing on using nice materials and simple geometries.


I  only used editable poly modeling methods.





3D Environment

The most important thing regarding the ground here is the imperfection of it.

I separated the ground into 3 areas and then I used meash smooth and paint deformation to make the ground a bit more realistic.


The Vegetation

The plants I used are from various companies like VIZPARK, HQPlants, Evermotion and iCube.

I used Object Paint and MultiScatter to make the plantation, there are 10 different cameras in the scene. So plantation is quite important to create realistic tree shades.


Trees & Bushes

I used Object Paint to plant trees and shrubs by randomizing the rotation and scale to lessen the repetition.



Grass on the first part





Various grass models have been assigned in this scene.

Grass on the second part


Gravel on the third part


The final image of the grass after using MultiScatter…



Concrete texture…


Wood texture…


Ground texture…


All of concrete, wood and ground textures I used are from CGTexture I modified some of them in Photoshop.


To make the plantation look realistic I adjusted the texture by using color correction


I used V-Ray dome and V-Ray direct light in this scene.




V-Ray sun had also been set, but  then I found that V-Ray sun is a little hard to control. So in this project I tried Direct Light which turned out very impressive to me.

I can just move the sun to make different shades.


Here are my V-Ray settings.


Post Production

For post-production I only adjusted contrast and color balance to make the images look photo realistic as possible…


The Final Images

Thanks for reading, I hope this “Making Of “could help you 🙂

Witta Wangpuk.


24 replies
  1. Andreas Pandis
    Andreas Pandis says:

    has already that CG style… there are better birch trees on the market i think… without the tree in the middle it will look better…. thx for making of

  2. Wittaya Wangpuk
    Wittaya Wangpuk says:

    Thank you Ronen! You have no idea how much I appreciate you posting my work on your blog! I am deeply grateful 🙂

  3. PiotrLabeda
    PiotrLabeda says:

    Great renders !!
    Rendered on the PC or on the render farm? What are the parameters of your computer (RAM, processor)?

  4. SarfarazYeaseenAbdullah
    SarfarazYeaseenAbdullah says:

    PiotrLabeda I also want to know. there’s a bunch of different trees. So, an overview of the system would be really helpful! Cheers, Great render!

  5. WittayaWangpuk
    WittayaWangpuk says:

    PiotrLabeda ,SarfarazYeaseenAbdullah I have  i7-3820 @3.6GHz —32Gb for Ram 🙂

  6. rodrigosfloriano
    rodrigosfloriano says:

    Perfect work…nice light…great vegetation work. Could you share the glass material? Thanks for making of!!

  7. aranmor
    aranmor says:

    yes please post glass settings for double reflection and rendertimes, great job.

  8. EdisKujovic
    EdisKujovic says:

    Very nice work with the project and making of, but what I really miss is that glass work 😀

  9. WittayaWangpuk
    WittayaWangpuk says:

    Sorry for the late replied guys, I was busy 🙁
    Here is the setting of glass material (which is quite basic)
    Thank you for all comments!

    • Ghana Building Plans
      Ghana Building Plans says:

      I am not sure I am missing something but I cant find the the settings for the glass material. Any help is much appreciated.

  10. Martin Dimitrov
    Martin Dimitrov says:

    There is something not quite right with this making of. Followed every step and the scene is not even lighted the way it should be.

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  1. […] ● Place​ ​a​ ​camera​ ​to​ ​your​ ​scene​ ​(Ctrl+C)​ ​adjust​ ​its​ ​position,​ ​play​ ​with​ ​its​ ​“Field​ ​of view”​ ​settings.​ ​And​ ​make​ ​perspective​ ​correction​ ​after​ ​you​ ​decide​ ​its​ ​position. ● Import​ ​the​ ​render​ ​preset​ ​file​ ​“FFD201-RENDER-PRESET-1”​ ​from​ ​render​ ​setup​ ​by excluding​ ​the​ ​environment​ ​option. ● If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​having​ ​problems​ ​while​ ​loading​ ​preset​ ​file​ ​you​ ​can​ ​manually​ ​enter​ ​your render​ ​setting​ ​from​ ​this​ ​reference​ ​tutorial: Making ​of ​House ​Gepo: […]

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